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… It has begun right after the finale of the 10th season, when we, two Ksenias, were appalled by the number of negative responses both to the continuation of the series and to its creators; we decided not to argue, not to dissuade, but simply to show to Chris Carter and the whole team that there are incomparably a lot more people who are genuinely grateful for the opportunity to see Mulder and Scully’s adventures once again. We were supported by the fans and this is how our small team was born.

Almost immediately we decided that the symbol of our action would be a rabbit. After all a rabbit is kind of an informal symbol of Russia. We decided to design our rabbit based on the completely individual project. In our minds we saw ears with a print of classic letter X and a famous phrase I Want To Believe! At that point the future hosts and participants started to join our action. All together we continued to think over the image. The idea was to choose clothes accordingly – we were thinking about the same t-shirt William Scully wore in one of the episodes of the 9th season, there were some thoughts to give him a hat with ears from the episode William, to hang on his neck the pendant Margaret Scully had in the 10th season, and many, many more things. As a result, our rabbit got a t-shirt with a recognizable print of the well-known poster I WANT TO BELIEVE, jeans and sneakers. As a true special agent – he got a flashlight. It wasn’t simple to choose the ears, out of several options we ended up with the brightest.

We would like to thank all the guys that has supported our idea and helped to bring it to life!

And now, William the Rabbit is ready to commence his journey during which he will get the most delightful impressions, original souvenirs and lots of nice words!

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